Soul-care & Self-led Transformation

Ready to forge a new path and align with the new version of the Self that is being revealed?

Make space to uncover what matters, moves and calls you.

It's never too late to begin anew!

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Unfurl your heart & express yourself


Are you grappling with important questions lately,  prompting a longing for change?

Perhaps change has come knocking unexpectedly, leaving you confused and heartbroken yet willing to collaborate with life's current?

I honour your desires, your aspirations, your wise inner authority, and a life where gentleness and power, playfulness and purposefulness hold equal sway, and where rest is as valued as action.

Together, let's uncover, envision, embody, and activate the next phase of your life with intention, honesty and joy.

Join me on a transformative journey, starting from within.

Corinne helped me to give myself permission to live my life and build my career unapologetically even if it is an untraditional path

Before partnering with Corinne, I had been confused about which direction to take in life. I felt deflated after months of rejections and felt like I couldn't turn in any direction in life without getting denials or rejections. I also felt that I had failed to live up to societal expectations because of these rejections. I thought I needed clarity, but what I really needed was to stop judging myself and giving myself permission, which then led me to be able to feel more freedom and happiness with my overall situation. Through working with Corinne, I was able to be gentler with myself, and to open to the various opportunities that were becoming more available to me even though I never considered those before. I've been able to build my life around the things and people who were important to me. I've also been able to give myself permission to create a career in the arts while also working in healthcare. Throughout our sessions I was surprised about how much wisdom I already had within me including the tools that would help me to get through any bumps on the road. Corinne helped me to recognize and access them, something that remained long after our session were over. If you are thinking of partnering with Corinne, I invite you to be open to the process of Soul-based Coaching. It can feel uncomfortable at first. You might experience a range of emotion but at the end of it, you will see the change. You can trust yourself and your instincts.


Space Maker, Soul-carer and Self-leadership Activator

Hi, I'm Corinne Konrad Calder... a cert. Soul-based Coach, Embodiment Teacher and Women's Group Faciliator

I specialize in assisting women in navigating challenging transitions related to identity, relationships, family, lifestyle and career.
Women who long to shed their old skin and align with the new version of the Self that wants to be revealed.
Based in Dubai and fluent in English and German, I'm supporting women all over the world on their evolutionary journey.
As a leader of international events, I delight in guiding women home to themselves and nurturing confidence, connection, courage, emotional intelligence, body wisdom and self-expression.
About Page

My other transformative offerings


Das Grösste, dass ich mit Corinne lernen durfte, ist mich zu sehen und zu erkennen, zu verstehen und zu wĂ¼rdigen!

Dies ist etwas, dass ich schon auf viele Weisen versucht. Corinne hat mir mit ihre Art von Coaching gezeigt, dass die Antwort immer schon da ist, in mir. Am meisten beeindruckt mich, dass die Dinge eingetreten sind, die ich mir am Anfang gewĂ¼nscht habe. Meist kamen sie anders als ich erwartet hätte, aber sie sind da. Ohne es zu forcieren. Die Arbeit im Innen hat sie herbeigefĂ¼hrt. Es war, als wurden die Ideen und Vorstellungen mit den Sessions eingepflanzt und erblĂ¼hten dann als alles bereit dafĂ¼r war. Ich habe gelernt, dass Dinge im Prozess sind, in den ich vertrauen kann. Genau so wie in mich. In mein Tempo. In den Zyklus des Körpers und der Natur. Mit Corinne lernte ich Heilung kennen. Themen haben sich gelöst, obwohl wir an anderen Dingen gearbeitet haben. Ich fĂ¼hle mich endlich im Jetzt angekommen. Ich fĂ¼hle mich wieder lebendig. Ich kannte bereits die Gesprächstherapie. Ich wusste was mich antreibt, umtreibt, hemmt und woher es kommt – schlicht was meine Baustellens. Soul-based Coaching ist jedoch eine ganz andere Herangehensweise als in einer Therapie. Ich kann nur sagen, falls jemand noch Zweifel hat: lass dich ein! Dein Mut wird belohnt!